Meet the founder

Hollis Baley

life coach, author

A best-selling author, teacher, and Life Coach, Hollis specializes in guiding people to do deep inner healing by facilitating her clients and students to resolve hidden generational trauma / inherited family trauma.

She specializes in working with:

  • Relationship Issues - emotional, psychological, and physical abuse, feelings of rejection & insecurity, lack of intimacy, divorce, infidelity, difficulties with conceiving, experiencing miscarriage

  • Mental Disorders: addiction, depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, fears, worrying

  • Health Conditions: chronic health problems & mystery symptoms

Hollis firmly believes that by addressing trauma at its root, you not only heal and improve your quality of life, but you also gain clarity on your divine life purpose.

Join Hollis on this journey of inner healing and discovery to unlock the potential for healing, growth, and living a life of purpose.

generational trauma

aka Inherited Family Trauma

Just as we inherit our eye color and blood type, we also inherit the residue from traumatic events that have taken place in our family. While our physical traits are easily discernible, this emotional legacy often remains hidden. Anxiety, fear, financial worries, depression, illness, and unhappy relationships can all stem from our unconscious inheritance.

Unresolved traumas, some going back two or three generations, can ensnare us in feelings and situations that aren’t truly ours. These traumas can create a blueprint for our lives and can even be passed down to our children. But it doesn’t have to continue. Inherited family trauma can end here.

Learn how the traumas of our parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents can manifest in our unexplained depression, anxiety, fears, phobias, obsessive thoughts, and physical symptoms.

Start your healing journey today and break free from the past.

Let’s Work Together

  • Retreats

    Meet like-minded friends during an immersive week-long retreat experience.

  • Private Ceremonies

    Curate your own personalized experience from the comfort of your own home.

  • Higher Coaching

    Experience one-on-one and group led support in this powerful online course.

  • Collaborations

    Have skills you would like to collaborate with? Connect with Hollis to create something unique and exclusive.

With a dynamic history of life experience, Hollis has been a student of psychology, biology, nutritional therapy, divination, energy healing, quantum healing, herbs, and plants for a decade. She is devoted to self-healing through years of mentorship in various paths of study, resulting in a rich medicine bag of tools, which she whole-heartedly weaves into all of her offerings. Her mission is supporting others in overcoming the collective karmic imprints of guilt, fear, and shame, reclaiming our sovereignty, and paving the way for the next generations to experience less co-dependency, abuse, victim/perpetrator experiences, and manipulation. This wound of separation can be felt - consciously or unconsciously by the collective, and Hollis aims to hold space for people to experience the Oneness and remember who they really are. 

connect with hollis today and learn about the different ways you can work together

The essence of mastery

for Hollis doesn't solely reside within her medicine work or coaching; it is deeply rooted in her embodiment. She embodies the complete expression of the heart, body, mind, and spirit.

Hollis fearlessly confronts her own self, even when faced with aspects she finds challenging or dislikable. She understands that true integration and evolution come from fully embracing all parts of herself, no matter how uncomfortable or painful it might be. Embracing her shadow has been a pivotal aspect of Hollis's journey, a transformative ingredient that has led her to become a full-spectrum artist. By acknowledging that every facet of herself, and every aspect of every individual, is deserving of love, she transmutes the frequency of unconditional love into her coaching programs, workshops, 1:1 consultations, and retreats.

A personal reflection

Each of us has a unique life waiting for us, full of potential and calling us to seize it daily.

It's a life where we're truly alive, relishing who we are and the experiences we have. This life comes knocking through changing seasons, moon phases, opportunities, tough choices, and bold experiments. It sticks with us because it's part of who we are.

Let's be real – life gets complicated.

Trauma, shame, and letdowns often push us away from our true selves. We end up chasing what we think we should be instead of seeing what's right in front of us.

Been there, done that. It took me nearly a decade of soul-searching to realize I had been living out of my conditioning - in other words, I had been working towards dreams that I thought would make me happy once I achieved them, only to discover that I was chasing dreams that weren’t even my own. I didn't even know how disconnected my heart and my mind were until I discovered and then practiced living more from my Heart than my conditioned mind.  

If you're on a journey of self-discovery, you're not alone. That fiery passion? It's close, woven into your essence. It's time to claim it and let it light up your path.

In her spare time, Hollis embraces exciting adventures with her spirited 4-year-old daughter through snorkeling, horseback riding, and beachcombing. Hollis is currently studying Family Constellations and The Gene Keys as both bodies of work are contributing immensely to helping bring more order to the collective.

At home her kitchen transforms into a hub for canning, fermenting, and juicing. Sound healing, singing and medicine-music songwriting, painting are her favorite forms of heartfelt self-expression.

Pilates, surfing, and taking long walks on the beach or in the mountains of Baja are her favorite forms of physical activity. Heartfelt conversations fill her cup, along with cherished moments with Luca, her 90lb. Labradoodle.

Drawn to water's edge, from the vast ocean to a calming bath, she seeks both solace and inspiration. Hollis always has. her Heart open to connecting with like-minded souls, weaving together the vibrant threads of life because she believes wholeheartedly in living a Soul-led life and that God communicates through ALL forms of connection and communication..