Discover Your Soul's Purpose

& Manifest Your Dream Life

Enrolling in HIGHER means you are ready to break through the barriers of feeling stuck and unsatisfied and turn your hopes, dreams, and fantasies into reality.

Introducing Higher

Higher Sanctuary's 6-month signature coaching program designed to help you live a more fulfilled life. Led by Hollis Baley, a renowned transformation coach, and ceremony facilitator, Higher offers a unique and effective approach to healing that actually works.

HIGHER will help you

create and maintain the shifts

that you’ve been trying to make in your life.

Step into this life-changing journey with joyful confidence.

Above all else, HIGHER presents a powerful method to connect with your Soul's Purpose

and maintain that connection amidst life's ebbs and flows. Through a remarkable blend of coaching, meditation, breathwork, somatic therapy, family constellations, and journaling, complemented by psycho-spiritual counseling, you'll break free from stagnation and transcend any challenges that come your way. Whether you're trapped in an unsatisfying job, navigating a health crisis, or caught in relationships that lack spark or bring unwanted drama, remember this: You are precisely where you need to be, and your breakthrough moment is closer than you realize.

Higher’s 6-MONTH


will show you how to:

  • Prioritize yourself and set the boundaries you need to set to stick with your goals and manifest your dream existence.

  • Serve your divine purpose without letting distractions or ‘bumps in the road’ interrupt your flow

  • Create a safe and transformative healing journey, without fear and hesitation holding you back and keeping you stuck

Immerse yourself in

the transformative

HIGHER method

and learn how to:

  • Reshape the patterns of your mind established thus far. This newfound ability will empower you to manifest your deepest desires.

  • Unleash boundless abundance through work that truly fulfills you

  • Radiate true health from within, leaving chronic conditions behind

  • Cultivate thriving relationships grounded in genuine honesty and inner growth

Let me know if you can relate to this…

You feel stuck, like your life is stagnant. You feel unclear about what you should do with your life. You feel like you’re not doing it “right,” and lately, you’ve lacked confidence because of this stagnation. 

✓ All in all, you’re pretty successful - your life really isn’t “missing” much, but there is that one area of your life that you can’t figure out, whether it’s a healthy partner, taking your business to the next level, or achieving the health you desire. It’s driving you crazy trying to “fix it” and figure it out, and you’re feeling more hopeless about it as you watch the people around you succeed in the area you're lacking, and you are losing faith that you’re time will ever come. 

You’re even more frustrated about the thing you want so badly because you’ve done the inner work to try and make things shift the way you want them to, and you feel like it’s not working - nothing is manifesting differently on the outside. 

You are someone who has been through challenging life experiences - loss of a loved one, a divorce, experienced trauma -  and feel like you still have “ghosts from the past” that you can’t quite fully heal or overcome

Despite all of the frustration and letdown you’ve experienced, you CAN still feel the glimmer of hope - that intuitive “knowing” - even though things aren't exactly as you want them to be right now, someday they will be.

Hear from Molly, a HIGHER alumni

a client who has worked with Hollis for over three years, experienced her first psilocybin ceremony with Hollis, and has done a tremendous amount of inner healing she is now living with all of the inner peace, self-confidence, and love she knows she deserves!

curious if there's hidden wisdom you've yet to discover?

Wondering if you can truly manifest the dream life you desire? I shared those very questions just a few years ago.

But here's the remarkable part: I uncovered my Soul Purpose and mastered the art of manifestation. I healed my body from a pituitary tumor without surgery. I defied the odds, conceiving a healthy baby after multiple miscarriages. I embraced uncertainty, moving to Mexico with little money, only to manifest abundant relationships, financial freedom, unwavering confidence, and unimaginable joy.

Now, I'm here to guide you toward your own transformative journey of abundance and fulfillment. Let's unlock the secrets together and create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

How is all this possible, you may ask?


I broke free from the grip of my mind and embraced living from my heart and soul. I demystified healing and manifestation, making them accessible and easy to grasp. I simplified ancient wisdom and quantum physics, making them applicable to anyone.

Healing and conscious manifestation are actually straightforward. Creating the life of your dreams is simpler than you realize. It's time to release complexity, let go of mind control, and discover a gentler and more effective approach.

Soon, you'll uncover the hidden blueprint, the key to overcoming obstacles you've been searching for. Inside 'HIGHER,' I'll provide a clear and actionable path to follow, leading you towards transformation.

The higher program is for you if..

  • You are not afraid to invest in yourself and your future to become the incredible, empowered, amazing person you know you came here to be

  • You are tired of living a half-happy life and ready to "have it all" because you know deep down that it is 100% possible, and you are capable of doing the damn thing already.

  • You are ready to be done believing the bullshit stories you tell yourself about how “you can’t” or you’re “not ready.”

  • You are ready to actually BE and FEEL worthy and good enough versus just knowing it on a mental level and constantly dealing with the negative self-talk.

  • You feel like you lack a sense of purpose and would do anything it takes to discover what your true purpose is in life.

  • You are finally ready to become a confident and ridiculously successful manifestor so you can get on with your life already and start living in that dream you know exists for you.

  • You are afraid to actually make big moves and step outside of your comfort zone.

  • You think, “Is this all there is for me?” or “Will I ever be able to make my life work like I want it to?”




This is the only original guided quantum leadership program incorporating responsible and safe psychedelic therapy for expanding your consciousness, discovering your Soul’s purpose, and manifesting your dream existence. This program will show you exactly how to do the inner work and become your own healer to create the most vibrant version of yourself and manifest the most magical dream life you know you are worthy of and deserve.


Investment Options - ENROLL for as low as $125 !!

Choose Your Path and Join for 1, 3, or 6 Months

1 MONTH (May 1st - June 1st)  

Normally $500 - NOW JUST $125 !!


  • 2 LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($150 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Month 1 HIGHER content + recordings of the 2 LIVE Group Calls ($350 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Microdose Mini-Course ($197 VALUE)

  • 6 BONUS guided meditations by my dear friend and energy healer, Shaman Rose ($49 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to the online HIGHER Community

  • FREE Lifetime Access to Divine Breath 7-Day devotional breath practice ($97 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime access to the 44-Day Venus Retrograde Breath & Somatic Therapy Challenge facilitated by Hollis Baley in 2023 ($197 VALUE)

  • Receive a 10% DISCOUNT on any 2024 Retreat when you book at the time of enrollment

That's $1,040 of content and coaching for just $125 !!!

3 MOS. (May 1st - August 1st)  

Normally $1,500 - NOW JUST $375


  • 6 LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($450 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Months 1-3 HIGHER content + recordings of the 6 LIVE Group Calls ($1,050 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Microdose Mini-Course ($197 VALUE)

  • 6 BONUS guided meditations by my dear friend and energy healer, Shaman Rose ($49 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to the online HIGHER Community

  • FREE Lifetime Access to Divine Breath 7-Day devotional breath practice ($97 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime access to the 44-Day Venus Retrograde Breath & Somatic Therapy Challenge facilitated by Hollis Baley in 2023 ($197 VALUE)

  • Receive a 10% DISCOUNT on any 2024 Retreat when you book at the time of enrollment

That's $2,040 value in content and coaching for just $375 !!!

6 MOS (May 1st - November 1st)

Normally $3,000 - NOW JUST $749


  • 12 LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($900 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Months 1-6 HIGHER content + recordings of the 12 LIVE Group Calls ($2,100 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Microdose Mini-Course ($197 VALUE)

  • 6 BONUS guided meditations by my dear friend and energy healer, Shaman Rose ($49 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to the online HIGHER Community

  • FREE Lifetime Access to Divine Breath 7-Day devotional breath practice ($97 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime access to the 44-Day Venus Retrograde Breath & Somatic Therapy Challenge facilitated by Hollis Baley in 2023 ($197 VALUE)

  • Receive a 10% DISCOUNT on any 2024 Retreat when you book at the time of enrollment

That's $3,540 of content and coaching for just $749 !!!


This program will show you how to:

  • Prioritize yourself and set the boundaries you need to set to stick with your goals and manifest your dream existence.

  • Serve your divine purpose without letting distractions or ‘bumps in the road’ interrupt your flow

  • Create a safe and transformative healing journey without fear and hesitation holding you back and keeping you stuck


The HIGHER method of transformation will show you how to change the pattern of your mind that’s been established so far in your life. Once you learn how to do this you can achieve:

    • Massive abundance that comes from the work you really want to be doing

    • True health that radiates from the inside out and allows you to move on from chronic conditions

    • Thriving relationships that are based on the honesty and transparency that can only come with doing the inner work

Plain and simple: HIGHER will help you create and maintain the shifts that you’ve been trying to make in your life.

HIGHER is the culmination of EVERYTHING that has helped my clients and I manifest

our deepest desires and the fulfilling lives that we live today. If you’re looking to manifest more money, your soulmate, your best health, your dream career, and anything in between—you’ll find that all inside of HIGHER. 

The 6-Month HIGHER Journey

  • MONTH 1

    Welcome to Month 1 of HIGHER, where you embark on a transformative journey of reconnection. In this inaugural month, your focus is on RECONNECT, as you delve into the profound essence of your existence and purpose.

    Discover "The Earth Game" - a deep exploration into the why and how of your presence here on Earth. Learn to awaken to your true essence and live in alignment with your soul and divine purpose.

    Through modules like "Heart Coherence" and "The Heart's Compass," you reconnect with the core of your being - your heart. This foundational healing journey restores not only your faith in your connection with God but also equips you to communicate and listen with your heart. By following your divine compass, you navigate the Earth Game connected to your heart and soul, walking hand in hand with God.

    Month 1 is about laying the groundwork for profound healing, purposeful living, and divine alignment. You’ll reconnect, rediscover, and realign with the truth of who you are.


    1: The Earth Game

    This lesson is designed to give you a broad understanding of the game of life. You'll begin by stepping back and gaining a meta-perspective of the game. You will examine the various elements that make up the game and learn about the different ways people tend to play.

    You'll be given an opportunity to look at yourself honestly and to consider whether you're living in a state of 'sleepiness' or whether you're really awake. This module is designed to be reflective, where you will have the time and space to consider how you really want to play the game of life.

    2: The Heart's Glow / Heart Coherence

    In this lesson, you will learn how to access and activate the power of heart coherence. You will learn various techniques and exercises that will help you tap into the power of your heart and access higher states of consciousness. These skills will naturally help you to connect with God, your Self, and others on a deeper level. Overall, this module is essential in your journey toward personal growth and self-mastery.

    2: The Heart’s Compass

    Here you will learn how to tap into the wisdom of your heart and connect to your inner guidance system. You will learn to align your actions with your purpose and values, allowing you to move through life with a sense of direction. This module will help you understand the difference between the head and the heart and how to navigate the two in harmony. You will learn various techniques and exercises that will help you access the intuitive wisdom of your heart and develop the ability to trust and act on it.

  • MONTH 2

    Welcome to Month 2 of HIGHER, where we delve into the theme of SURRENDER. Throughout this month, you explore the intricate terrain of Parts Work, Embracing Everything, and Trauma & The Inner Child.

    It's a time dedicated to confronting past traumas and equipping you with the necessary tools to release them gently from your body. By doing so, you liberate yourself from the shackles of the past, freeing yourself from the subconscious energies that have long lingered within.

    My approach is gentle yet powerful, emphasizing the importance of consistent practice. Through a variety of techniques, you'll train your nervous system to find calmness, fostering a space for more positive and peaceful thoughts. This process lays the groundwork for a new blueprint, empowering you to navigate life with greater resilience and inner peace.

    Anchored in your connection to God, you'll find the courage to face any challenging moments that arise. The somatic practices you'll learn are timeless, creating a foundation of strength and resilience that lasts a lifetime.


    4: Parts Work

    In this lesson, you'll learn about psychological fragmentation and how to discover different aspects of yourself that may be in conflict with others. You'll see how these conflicts can lead to feelings of inner turmoil and confusion.

    You'll be taught a variety of methods for healing and integrating these parts into a more harmonious and cohesive whole. This will lead to a greater sense of inner peace, liberation, and deep self-acceptance.

    5: Embracing Everything

    In 'Embracing Everything'’ you will learn the art of allowing yourself to fully feel and process all the different emotions that arise in your life. This includes understanding the importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and being kind and non-judgmental with yourself.

    You will be shown different techniques to process and release difficult emotions like anger, fear, and grief. As well as learn how to identify and shift limiting beliefs and patterns that prevent you from fully embracing and feeling all aspects of yourself and your life experience.

    6: Trauma and the Inner Child

    This module provides a comprehensive and in-depth approach to understanding and healing trauma. During this lesson, you'll learn about trauma through a holistic lens, including the connection between trauma, metaphysics, science, and biology. You'll gain a deeper understanding of how trauma can affect the inner child and the impact it has on your life. You will also be guided through one of the most powerful inner-child processes in the world. This process is designed to help you heal and integrate the wounded parts of yourself, so you can reclaim your inner power and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

  • Month 3

    Welcome to Month 3 of HIGHER, where the theme is RECEIVE, inviting you to embrace the abundant blessings that await you on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Throughout this month, you dive into the profound topics of The True Purpose of Relationships, Emotional Mastery, and Divine Self-Worth.

    It's a time dedicated to honing in on purifying your mind, recognizing that your thoughts hold the key to your emotional well-being.

    Discover the true purpose of relationships as mirrors reflecting back the aspects of yourself that are ready for healing and growth.

    Through deep inner exploration and practice, you'll learn to prioritize your connection with God/The Divine above all else. By anchoring yourself in this divine connection, your innate self-worth shines forth, transcending the limitations of the conditioned mind.

    As your thoughts shift to more positive and empowering patterns, you'll witness a transformation in your emotions, experiencing greater happiness, joy, and inner peace. Your Divine Worth becomes the guiding compass for every decision you make, aligning you with your truth and higher wisdom.

    In Month 3 you open yourself to receive the abundant blessings of love, joy, and fulfillment that flow from aligning with your divine essence. You are well into the HIGHER journey now, creating a life guided by love, wisdom, and the profound knowing of your inherent worthiness.


    6: The True Purpose of Relationships

    In this lesson, you'll learn how to navigate relationships from an evolutionary perspective. You will receive a handbook that guides you through how to use relationships to awaken yourself and how to use them to support your personal growth. You'll also learn the four rules of relationships that will help you navigate any challenging situations that arise between you and others. These rules will provide you with a framework for understanding the dynamics of relationships and how to create healthy and fulfilling connections.

    8: Emotional Mastery

    In this lesson, you'll learn about the emotional guidance scale and how to communicate with your emotional body. You will uncover the messages that different emotions have for you and learn how to use them as guidance for making decisions. You'll also be given exercises to help you heal your relationship with different emotions, which will help you develop emotional intelligence and self-awareness. By the end of this module, you will have gained the ability to understand and manage your emotions more effectively, which will help you to create more meaningful and fulfilling relationships in your life.

    9: Divine Self Worth

    In this lesson, you will gain a deeper understanding of your inherent value as a divine being, knowing once and for all that God didn't make a mistake in creating you. Through a series of exercises and practices, you will develop the ability to fully embrace and embody your divine worth, transcending the limiting belief that you must constantly work on yourself, fix yourself, or heal yourself to be worthy. This module will make you feel like you've won the self-love lottery and you won't have to fake saying "I am worthy" anymore - because you'll actually mean it!

  • Month 4

    Welcome to Month 4 of HIGHER, where the theme is INTEGRATE, inviting you to harmonize all aspects of your being as you continue your journey of growth and self-discovery. Throughout this month, we delve into the profound topics of Radical Responsibility, Reality Bubbles, and an optional module around Money & Abundance.

    As you've evolved over the past three months, shedding layers and reconnecting with your heart's desires, you've gained insights into what truly inspires and motivates you in life. Now, it's time to allow everything to come together - heart, mind, body, and soul - in perfect alignment.

    By embracing radical responsibility for your life and choices, you'll gain clarity on both the large and small picture of your soul's journey. This integration process illuminates your purpose in this lifetime and its significance in the eternal journey of your soul.

    During Month 4 you’ll embrace the fullness of who you are and the unique gifts you bring to the world.


    9: Radical Responsibility

    In this week’s module, you'll learn how to take full responsibility for your life and how to break free from the victim mindset. You'll better understand how your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality and how to shift them to align with what you truly want. You'll be equipped with tools and techniques for letting go of blame and taking ownership of your life; this will help you to create a more empowering perspective and to design the life you truly want. By the end, you will feel empowered to take control of your life instead of living in reactivity and unconsciousness.

    15: Reality Bubbles

    Here you are introduced to the concept that you live inside a reality bubble of your own perceptions and experiences. Here you will be challenged to recognize when you are operating within a limited perspective and how to expand your awareness to include multiple perspectives at once. You'll also be looking at the complex dynamics that arise when different people's reality bubbles intersect and how to create harmony and understanding within these interactions. This lesson is all about understanding your own journey and at the same time respecting the uniqueness of others

    12: Money and Abundance

    This lesson is a fun one. In it, Dylan talk's about the green stuff, the dough, the moolah... THE MONEY! In short, it's your opportunity to break up with the old, outdated, stifling money paradigm you might still be living in. Ultimately, it's not about the cash; it's all about the energy of money and how it's flowing in your life (or not). To figure out where you might be stuck, you'll be doing a fun meditation called “Money Honey.” This will give you crystal-clear insight into your relationship with money and how to change it.

  • Month 5

    Welcome to Month 5 of HIGHER, where the theme is SOUL PURPOSE, inviting you to explore the depths of your divine calling and align with God's will for your life. Throughout this month, we'll delve into Soul Purpose from various perspectives, offering you the opportunity to discern how you're already living in alignment with your soul's purpose. You'll also explore how to implement the necessary changes to further align your life with God's divine will and your unique purpose.

    In Month 5 we will also explore Quantum Manifestation, a powerful tool for creating your dream life. When combined with prayer and devotion to God, Quantum Manifestation becomes an extraordinary force for bringing your deepest desires into reality.


    11: The Soul’s Purpose

    In this module, you will delve into the mysteries of the soul, uncovering its deepest desires and understanding its role in your life. Through a combination of teachings, exercises, and meditations, you will learn how to communicate with your soul and uncover your individual purpose. Additionally, you will gain an understanding of the three levels of awareness - the personality, the Soul, and God - and how they are interconnected. This module will give you a fascinating insight into yourself and the tools to live a more free and fulfilling life guided by your soul's purpose.

    14: Quantum Shifting and Manifestation

    Here we delve into the cutting-edge field of quantum physics and how it relates to personal transformation and manifestation. You'll learn how to communicate with your cells and alter the DNA of your body through pure intention and quantum shifting. This is an advanced level in which you'll learn to manifest through parallel reality hopping and vibrational attunement. You'll also be shown exercises and techniques to end karma, heal your body and rewrite the past. Additionally, we will be debunking common misconceptions and misunderstandings about manifestation, the law of attraction, and the 'just think positive' movement.

  • MONTH 6

    Welcome to Month 6 of HIGHER, where the theme is SERVICE, inviting you to embrace your role in serving a higher purpose and aligning with the divine will of God, the Divine Creator. Throughout this month, you'll explore the transformative power of Group Prayer, recognizing the strength that comes from collective intention and spiritual connection.

    As you reflect on the journey of the past five months, you'll summarize the wisdom and insights gained, synthesizing them into a comprehensive plan for your life. This plan will be centered around the overarching theme of service to a higher purpose, guiding you towards living a life aligned with God's divine will.

    During Month 6 you step into your role fully in service of the divine, dedicated to uplifting others and co-creating a world filled with love, compassion, and purpose. You are now prepared to embrace the profound calling to serve and make a meaningful impact in the world.


The journey through

higher includes:

  • 12 LIVE Group Calls with Hollis, HIGHER Creator & Head Coach

  • “The Earth Game” Online Self-Mastery Program - 16 modules

  • 12+ hours of recorded ACTIVATED guided quantum meditations

  • 6+ hours of recorded guided transformational breathwork

  • Course PDF’s & Workbook

  • 6 LIVE 1:1 Coaching Calls with Hollis, Higher Head Coach (**available for those who enroll in DIVINELY GUIDED or ASCENDED VISIONARY - see below)

  • 2 LIVE 1:1 Coaching Calls with Andrea, Gene Keys (**Available for those who enroll in DIVINELY GUIDED or ASCENDED VISIONARY - see below)

  • 12 LIVE Group Calls with Hollis, HIGHER Creator & Head Coach

  • “The Earth Game” Online Self-Mastery Program - 16 modules

  • 12+ hours of recorded ACTIVATED guided quantum meditations

  • 6+ hours of recorded guided transformational breathwork

  • Course PDF’s & Workbook

  • 6 LIVE 1:1 Coaching Calls with Hollis, Higher Head Coach (**available for those who enroll in DIVINELY GUIDED or ASCENDED VISIONARY - see below)

  • 2 LIVE 1:1 Coaching Calls with Andrea, Gene Keys (**Available for those who enroll in DIVINELY GUIDED or ASCENDED VISIONARY - see below)


  • 6 LIVE Breath Sessions w/ Hollis or Special Guest Expert Coaches (1 LIVE Bonus Breath Session each month)

  • Lifetime Access to my online 44-Day Breath Practice - includes short breath tutorial videos, 44 recorded breath sessions ranging from 20-75 min. sessions), and access to Hollis’s favorite custom breath playlists

  • Microdosing Mini-Course

  • 10% Discount on ‘Heaven On Earth’ 7-Day Psilocybin Retreat (**This BONUS is available for those who enroll in ASCENDED VISIONARY - see below)

By The End of This Program, You Will:

  • Feel satisfied, happy, and confident with your current reality 

  • Know exactly how you can make the absolute best of where you are right now in your life, especially if you’re going through a massive change.

  • Know what soul work you’re here to do.

  • Regardless of how many times you’ve tried, you will feel a strong sense of knowing which direction to go with your soul work and mission AND have the self-confidence to follow through with your soul purpose.

  • Wake up every day confident about what you’re doing and feeling inspired with a renewed sense of focus on your life’s path is what you deserve and what you will get as a result of going through HIGHER.

It’s time to prioritize yourself and dive deep into the reason why you’re here:



Investment Options - ENROLL for as low as $125 !!

Choose Your Path and Join for 1, 3, or 6 Months

1 MONTH (May 1st - June 1st)  

Normally $500 - NOW JUST $125 !!


  • 2 LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($150 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Month 1 HIGHER content + recordings of the 2 LIVE Group Calls ($350 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Microdose Mini-Course ($197 VALUE)

  • 6 BONUS guided meditations by my dear friend and energy healer, Shaman Rose ($49 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to the online HIGHER Community

  • FREE Lifetime Access to Divine Breath 7-Day devotional breath practice ($97 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime access to the 44-Day Venus Retrograde Breath & Somatic Therapy Challenge facilitated by Hollis Baley in 2023 ($197 VALUE)

  • Receive a 10% DISCOUNT on any 2024 Retreat when you book at the time of enrollment

That's $1,040 of content and coaching for just $125 !!!

3 MOS. (May 1st - August 1st)  

Normally $1,500 - NOW JUST $375


  • 6 LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($450 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Months 1-3 HIGHER content + recordings of the 6 LIVE Group Calls ($1,050 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Microdose Mini-Course ($197 VALUE)

  • 6 BONUS guided meditations by my dear friend and energy healer, Shaman Rose ($49 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to the online HIGHER Community

  • FREE Lifetime Access to Divine Breath 7-Day devotional breath practice ($97 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime access to the 44-Day Venus Retrograde Breath & Somatic Therapy Challenge facilitated by Hollis Baley in 2023 ($197 VALUE)

  • Receive a 10% DISCOUNT on any 2024 Retreat when you book at the time of enrollment

That's $2,040 value in content and coaching for just $375 !!!

6 MOS (May 1st - November 1st)

Normally $3,000 - NOW JUST $749


  • 12 LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($900 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Months 1-6 HIGHER content + recordings of the 12 LIVE Group Calls ($2,100 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Microdose Mini-Course ($197 VALUE)

  • 6 BONUS guided meditations by my dear friend and energy healer, Shaman Rose ($49 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to the online HIGHER Community

  • FREE Lifetime Access to Divine Breath 7-Day devotional breath practice ($97 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime access to the 44-Day Venus Retrograde Breath & Somatic Therapy Challenge facilitated by Hollis Baley in 2023 ($197 VALUE)

  • Receive a 10% DISCOUNT on any 2024 Retreat when you book at the time of enrollment

That's $3,540 of content and coaching for just $749 !!!


September 9th - 13th, 2024 - Oregon Coast, USA

HEAVEN ON EARTH: 5-Day All-Inclusive Transformational Retreat

September 19th - 22nd, 2024 - Oregon Coast, USA

Sovereignty & Spirit: Unite Your Hearts in Freedom & Embrace Spiritual Unity In This 4-Day Couples Retreat


  • OPENING CEREMONY Kick-Off CALL - April 15th, 2024

  • These are the themes for each month in this course:

    Month. 1 - Reconnect

    Month 2 - Surrender

    Month 3 - Receive

    Month 4 - Integrate

    Month 5 - Soul Purpose

    Month 6 - Service


    You will have 2-4 modules of online content to dive into each month. The modules build on themselves, just as the. monthly themes. build on. themselves.

    Hollis will host 2 LIVE Group Coaching Calls every month where you will get the opportunity to ask questions about the content, receive LIVE activations through guided meditations and breathework, and learn from other participants in the course.

    For additional support and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to get the most out of the program is to upgrade and sign-up for monthly 1:1 Coaching Calls. with Hollis, HIGHER Coachg and Andrea, Gene Keys Coach.

    You will be connected with each other inside of an online community platform where you can interact with your fellow HIGHER program-mates between calls.

    BONUS: Hollis will host a BONUS LIVE each month featuring either a guest speaker, breathework session or activation guided meditation to support your process as you are integrating the program materials into your life.

  • Your time commitment will be 2-6 hours per week and will vary depending on how much of the transformational exercises you do and if you go through the suggested BONUS resources.

  • 12 LIVE Group Calls with Hollis, HIGHER Creator & Head Coach

    “The Earth Game” Online Self-Mastery Program - 16 modules

    12+ hours of recorded ACTIVATED guided quantum meditations

    6+ hours of recorded guided transformational breathwork

    Course PDF’s & Workbook

    6 LIVE 1:1 Coaching Calls with Hollis, Higher Head Coach (**available for those who enroll as an ASCENDED VISIONARY

    2 LIVE 1:1 Coaching Calls with Andrea, Gene Keys (**Available for those who enroll as an ASCENDED VISIONARY

What makes hollis unique?


Intuitive healer and visionary guiding transformative journeys

As the founder of Higher Sanctuary, she combines her expertise as a coach, teacher, and psychedelic facilitator to help individuals flourish on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Drawing from her unique training and personal awakening experiences, Hollis empowers others to transcend perceived limitations, traumas, and stagnation, unlocking their authentic selves and fearlessly expressing their gifts in the world. With extensive training in physiology, psychology, breathwork, sound healing, and coaching, she offers comprehensive programs that harness the power of intentional psychedelic use for deep healing and profound transformation. Immerse yourself in the enlightening realm of psilocybin ceremonies and retreats thoughtfully curated by Hollis in the serene landscapes of Southern Baja, where over 600 individuals have already found solace and growth under her expert guidance.

You are here for a greater purpose

the time is now for you to discover what that is. 

Following the calling to expand your consciousness via plant medicine or other modalities like breathwork, meditation, or going on an immersion wellness retreat that takes you deep inside yourself will absolutely be a HUGE step in the right direction.

HIGHER offers ALL of this for you… and more!

Have Questions Before you enroll? Book a call with HOllis today.