Heal Your Lineage, Heal Your Life

A One-Day Workshop on Healing Generational Trauma

Saturday, May 25th I 9am - 9pm I Upaya Retreat Center, El Tule, Los Cabos, MEXICO

Join us for a one-day workshop focused on healing generational trauma and breaking free from inherited family patterns.

We are the result of both our genetics and our ancestors' experiences. The healing begins when we recognize and acknowledge the inherited patterns.

Our ancestors' traumas can manifest as phobias, illnesses, or emotional struggles. Inherited trauma can affect relationships, career choices, and self-worth. Inherited trauma is a call for us to address unresolved pain. We carry the burden of our ancestors until we release it through healing.

This workshop is an act of liberation - healing generational trauma allows you to become free from carrying the burdens of your ancestor’s past experiences.

generational trauma

aka Inherited Family Trauma

Just as we inherit our eye color and blood type, we also inherit the residue from traumatic events that have taken place in our family. While our physical traits are easily discernible, this emotional legacy often remains hidden. Anxiety, fear, financial worries, depression, illness, and unhappy relationships can all stem from our unconscious inheritance.

Unresolved traumas, some going back two or three generations, can ensnare us in feelings and situations that aren’t truly ours. These traumas can create a blueprint for our lives and can even be passed down to our children. But it doesn’t have to continue. Inherited family trauma can end here.

Learn how the traumas of our parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents can manifest in our unexplained depression, anxiety, fears, phobias, obsessive thoughts, and physical symptoms.

Start your healing journey today and break free from the past.

How & Why this workshop will improve your life:

  • Improved Health and Well-being:

    • Address underlying family dynamics contributing to physical and emotional symptoms, potentially relieving chronic conditions and pain.

  • Enhance Relationships:

    • Discover new ways of giving and receiving love, fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

  • Transformational Life Shifts:

    • Experience profound life changes as deep shifts unfold from bringing hidden family dynamics to light.

  • Personal Empowerment:

    • Break free from unconscious patterns and obstacles, empowering yourself to achieve a more fulfilling and successful life.

  • Healing Tools and Practices:

    • Access practices, visualizations, healing sentences, and neuroscience-based tools to disentangle from generational suffering.

  • Break Long-Standing Patterns:

    • Overcome persistent patterns of illness, depression, anxiety, fear, and unhappiness.

  • Experience Family Constellations:

    • Participate in a three-dimensional process uncovering hidden dynamics and unconscious family loyalties limiting relationship success.

  • Set a New Life Course:

    • Initiate a new life direction free from past entanglements once unseen family dynamics are revealed.

  • Identify Traumatic Events and Unconscious Loyalties:

    • Recognize hidden traumatic events and unconscious loyalties affecting your health, relationships, and success.

Our family lineage and the experiences of our ancestors shape our present lives and can provide us with insights and guidance.

Learning about the struggles, successes, and even mistakes of those who came before us enables us to understand ourselves better and make more informed decisions.

By delving into our family history, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the lessons embedded within it and utilize this knowledge to foster personal growth and create a better future.